DoGooder to Salesforce integration operates on an hourly schedule.
DoGooder to Salesforce integration requires your DoGooder API Token to connect. This takes all of two minutes to configure – for more information read our DoGooder Documentation.
When an action is completed in DoGooder, MoveData creates (or updates) a corresponding contact record in Salesforce. This contact is automatically associated with the appropriate campaign to which their action relates, and a campaign member record established. MoveData supports all DoGooder actions including Online Petitions, Lobby Local Reps, Lobby Decision Makers and so forth.
MoveData creates (or updates) contact records whenever an action is completed inside DoGooder. This contact is automatically associated with the appropriate campaign to which their action relates, and a campaign member record established. This provides a holistic view of contacts and their actions in DoGooder allowing you to automate reporting, marketing, support and other downstream initiatives through Salesforce. MoveData uses your Salesforce duplicate rules when creating contacts to determine if a record already exists and if so append data to that existing record.
MoveData creates (or updates) campaign records to represent your campaigns and actions inside DoGooder. Each action is represented by a unique campaign in Salesforce and nested underneath your parent DoGooder campaign – allowing you to report on activity at campaign and action levels.
MoveData creates (or updates) campaign member records whenever an action is completed inside DoGooder. This campaign member record acts as the bridge between your contact and campaigns / actions and facilitates the necessary relationships and reporting inside Salesforce. If you pre-load campaign members into Salesforce campaigns MoveData will automatically convert these to a status of Responded when they complete their action inside DoGooder.
MoveData integrations are fully customisable and can be quickly extended to fit your exact needs. Often organisations will capture custom information in Raisely which they need stored in Salesforce and/or require information to be pushed into Salesforce according to a particular set of business rules. MoveData supplies a set of visual workflows (Salesforce Lightning Flows) which map out-of-the-box to Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) – these can be easily extended to accommodate new logic in your integration. For more information view our Worked Examples or Ask MoveData to customise your Raisely to Salesforce integration for you.